
We believe that creating beauty is physically and psychologically healthful for both the artists and the observers


We believe in being inclusive & open, embracing diverse ideas, art forms and communities.


We believe in integrity in our lives and our work, being true to our word, and creating murals of the highest standards



The Quilt Club mural, originally painted in 2004, was extremely faded and has been completely restored to its original lushness of color. It is located on the west wall of Reliance Connects building in downtown Estacada. It was restored in July 2023, and is an imagining of the possible origins of the Skip-A-Week club, the longest continuously meeting quilt club in Oregon. Since 1921 the quilters have met at the Garfield Grange on the outskirts of Estacada. They no longer skip a week, but meet weekly.

Am Griswold

Driven by an innate curiosity to develop the technique of portraiture beyond its traditional approach, interdisciplinary artist Reeva Wortel creates narrative portrait-based projects that combine interview, social commentary, performance, and large-scale installation.

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